Saturday, March 30, 2013

Merit Presentation:

   This week I've been working on my Merit Presentation for the Industrial Designer's Society of America (IDSA) conference in April. The Merit Presentation is a way for senior industrial design students from all different universities to show what we have learned. It is a great honor to be able to present at the IDSA conference because only one student from each university is allowed to present. I am up against two other classmates, Stephen and Jordan. Us three will present some design projects we have worked on throughout the past few years. We can present whatever we want, so each of us have very different projects to show. Our presentation is Friday, April 5th here on campus. We present to judges that are not associated with Iowa State, so they do not know who we are. The judges will choose one of us to present at the IDSA conference in Indianapolis. 
   Today, I've been fixing up a project I worked on in Rome last summer. I designed a Lamborghini wine set. The set includes four wine bottle stoppers, a bottle opener, a corker, and a foil cutter. I also designed a case that holds all of those tools. The case is supposed to be an abstracted shape of a Lamborghini car. Here is my final design that I will add to my Merit Presentation (you can click the pictures to see them bigger/better):

 Foil Cutter


 Bottle Stopper (can hold the cork after it is removed)

 Bottle Opener

   The other projects I am showing in my presentation are Calphalon, PWC dashboard, and my Kayak senior thesis. 

That is all I have for today. I've gotta get back to work. 

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