Monday, March 4, 2013

Calm week ahead:

   Today I started sketching ideas for the seat of my creeker (the kayak I'm designing). It is coming along nicely.

  I got ahold of 3M today. I officially start the internship on May 28! I am so excited to get some real world industrial design work experience. My supervisor is the same gal who interviewed me. I like her a lot, so I am happy to know she will be helping me during my time at 3M this summer.

   I decided to attempt to make chicken strips tonight. From scratch. I even made up how to make the breading. Guess what? They didn't suck! I'm not going to say how I made them because I know Mom and Grandma will probably laugh at my inexperience with cooking... Libby thought I was making fish.

   I talked to one of our new professors today. He is from New Zealand and has a background in marine design. My studio professor, Steve, introduced us. His name is Erdem and I got to see some of the work he has done. I have to ask more questions to figure out what type of schooling he had and what companies he worked for. But it is nice to have someone to talk to about my creeker and future plans.

   This week I don't have any big events. So I'll just keep working on my design studio. Not too stressful.... a nice change of pace.

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