Wednesday, April 3, 2013



   I spent a very long time at the salon yesterday. I had an appointment to cut my hair back to being really short. My hair dresser, Doug, really knows a lot about hair and loves having me as a client because I am willing to take risks with my hair unlike a lot of the other old ladies that come in to see him. He suggested I dye my hair a fun color. His two suggestions were "The Little Mermaid Red" or "Platinum Blonde." Bright red is becoming popular and I am not a huge fan of it, so I decided to agree to blonde. Here are a few shots of the process. The first photo isn't the length my hair started, it is a quick cut Doug tried before he cut the rest off. My hair was a little longer than shoulder length when we started:

   I absolutely love how it looks. Devin and Libby and Amy like it a lot. Doug posted pictures he took at the salon to Facebook.
   I can't believe I only have one month left at Iowa State. This month is going to fly by. I have soooo much work left to do. But I will get it done! I am so excited about my kayak senior thesis, but have put that on hold to finish my Merit Presentation that is this Friday. I meet with David tomorrow to go over it and get his suggestions on how to make it better. I don't have any more photos of my project to show just yet. Maybe I'll post my whole presentation when I am done with it.. I don't know. But I need to keep working on school stuff now. 

  Oh, I got an app on my phone to turn people into zombies. Here is what Sammi would look like:

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