Thursday, March 21, 2013

Second Day in Maine:

   I sat in on a lecture for the Yacht Design program today. I didn't stay long, but it was still very nice to hear what they are currently learning about. They had a guest lecturer in to talk about his yacht design company. 

   I think I've found a place to live. Dad and I looked through the housing list and picked out a place that is rented out by a person who lives on the property. It is a house right on the ocean. It overlooks a bay that has the fishing and lobster boats coming in and out. I'd live on the lower level with a private entrance. The woman who lives upstairs is a retired school teacher and a dog lover. There were two dogs there to greet me when we looked around the place. Here are a couple pictures of the place. The current tenant was a little messy. But I know I can add my design flare to it and make it look nice. Mom... There is an ice cream shop just down the road. 

   This house is close to the restaurant Dad and I ate at last night as well as a lobster shack that Dad thought looked cool. The picture of me below has the restaurant in the background (the blue building). And then another picture of the restaurant below that. 

    Dad and I drove up to Portland today and checked into a new hotel. We ate at the Dry Dock. There was a "Dry Dock Lady" who was a lot like Mom. She came to talk to us with a sling on her arm from shoulder surgery. Then our waitress later said that she can't believe the boss is back at work already because she just had surgery a week ago. Sounds like someone I know. 
   After lunch we walked around to find a place to eat supper. While we were out, we walked on a pier that had the offices for Sabre yachts. Sabre is the company owned by a man from Des Moines who graduated from The Landing School. Maybe I will get to meet him next year and talk about Iowa :) 

   While we were walking around, we noticed some friendly seagulls that got really close hoping we had a french fry to feed them. 

   Tonight we ate at a restaurant we stumbled upon after lunch. Guess what table dad chose to sit at? It had a view of the water... and a view of this...

   We share some lobster. It was very good. Mom, I should probably just drive by our house on our way home tomorrow and go strait to Snap and run on that treadmill the rest of the night... but that brownie I ate tonight was very good. 

   Our flight is very early tomorrow morning. So we hope to be home before dark. But I can't wait to get back here in September. 

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