Sunday, March 16, 2014

   Last week I turned in my structural grid for the pilot boat. It was basically just a bunch of calculations per ISO specifications to figure out how to lay out the framing/stiffeners to strengthen the hull. This is what some of it looked like. It didn't turn into any cool drawing to post.. so this is the only thing I have to show:

   This weekend I went to a boat show in Portland. It was called the "Maine Boatbuilders Show," so all of the boats are built in Maine. I saw a really cool carbon fibre kayak right away and was taking some pictures of it until I got interrupted by Barry, the Landing School's career placement guy. He was just saying hello. Turns out, I was at the Landing School booth at the show without even knowing it. Of course The Landing School would have a display at this show! We hand make lots of boats. And this kayak is one of them. I think it's kind of cool that the boat that grabbed my attention first was made by my school. 

   Is this a lifeboat with a sail? I could have asked, but the guy was busy talking to someone who was more interested. It is a small hard plastic boat with lots of reflective tape on it.... and a sail. Dad, what is it?

   This booth, among a couple others, caught my attention because I thought Dad would be interested in it. It is a collection of old boat parts. Compasses, oars, flags, horns, etc. I can picture Dad decorating the Dry Dock with some of this stuff.... or our house if he could find space on the wall.

   Just a few more pictures of where I was:

   I watched Iowa State play on Friday and Saturday night. On Saturday, my friend forced me to try an oyster. I don't particularly like eating cold slimy guts, so I have never tried an oyster before. And now I know to NEVER try one again.

   This week we are turning our pilot boat into a 3D CAD model. YAY! This will be a fun week. I'll post pictures of what I create next weekend.

   And I can't stop laughing at this:


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