Sunday, May 18, 2014

   I'm going to be a yacht designer!

   Welp, I forgot to send myself images of my design project. So I don't have new pictures of that to post. I am so happy with how it is turning out, though. Hopefully I can remember to post some images of my progress next week.
   So now you just get to listen to me babble about any other random thing I can think of:

   Grandma, look what I saw at the post office the other day. A lady about your age is always walking this dog around Kennebunkport. This was the first time I saw the dog in the wagon, but it looked like he was enjoying it! He was patiently waiting for his owner to come out of the post office. I'm always impressed when I see well-behaved dogs. I've never had one of those.... I guess Jake wasn't an out-of-control idiot... but he had an unfair advantage of being blind and having no choice but to slow down.

   Our school hosted a barbecue last week. A local BBQ restaurant catered burgers, ribs, and hot dogs. I've said it before, but I really like the advantage of a small school. We are always getting free lunches.

   Every single day I get more excited to move to Florida. This weather forecast is something I could get used to:

   I really don't know what else to talk about without having stuff to show for my final project. I guess I could talk about what I did this weekend. But all I have to say is, "school." I went to school most of yesterday and today. I wanted to work ahead and do some extra work outside of our assignment. So you just wait to see what I have in store.... And at night I just watched TV or movies on my laptop. One of the movies I watched was called, "Her." SO GOOD. IF YOU HAVEN'T SEEN IT YOU HAVE TO WATCH IT RIGHT NOW.

   Oh, and I had a really good cheeseburger from HB Provisions yesterday.

   I don't do much anymore. I'm pretty dedicated to making my final project absolutely awesome (well, what I consider awesome. Everyone has their own opinion on how a boat should look). And it is really fun to work on. So when I have free time I choose to go to school and work on my design. Which means I don't have much to talk about.

This is just a picture that I think is pretty cool. A seahorse looking at his reflection in a diver's watch. It makes me want to go diving again. Maybe I'll finally get certified when I get down to Florida. I'm going to add that to my list! I forgot to mention that. I've started a list of things I want to accomplish in the next year.... by summer 2015. I have a list of about 30 things. Some of them are silly and don't need to be listed on my blog... Actually, they might ALL sounds silly, but they are important to me, so I'll post a few of them.

- Become a yacht designer
- Make a new friend
- Make a few new friends
- See an opera
- Find a new favorite park
- Read three books
- Fill up a sketchbook
- Run a half marathon
- Do a pull-up without assistance
- Volunteer
- Draw a picture for YOURSELF
- Take the same photo of the same place in different weather conditions/different times of day
- Stitch those photos together and canvas wrap it
- Photograph the Milky Way
- Discover new local bands
- Try sailing
- Watch the Star Wars movies
- Stop watching TV while I eat
- Get SCUBA certified

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