Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Birthday Weekend

   I had a great birthday weekend. I got to hang out with Devin... and Mom and Dad.
We had to walk into a CVS store and pass the birthday/greeting card section for Dad and Mom to remember it was my birthday. That was really funny. I hadn't noticed that they forgot to say anything until then, either.
   I picked everyone up from the airport on Friday and showed them around my town. That night Devin and I went out to eat at a brewery. Because I won't see Devin again until after his birthday in November, we decided to celebrate our birthdays on the same weekend. So I made Devin cupcakes.... And yes, Mom, Dad, and I ate most of them haha.
   On Saturday I got to show Mom, Dad, and Devin my school and what I've been working on. That night I got to choose where I wanted to eat for my birthday dinner. Guess what, Grandma? I chose a place that had pizza.

   On Sunday we all drove up to Freeport to shop a little bit, then traveled further north to Brunswick (is that right, Dad?). From Brunswick we took a road out to Lands End and ate at a really good restaurant for lunch. After lunch we made a quick drive through Bath and headed back to Kennebunkport.

   On Monday morning we took a trip to the beach before heading to Portland. I had to drop Mom and Dad off at the airport a couple hours before Devin had to be there. So Devin and I found a park to go to after we said bye to my parents. The park was right on the ocean with a walking path, beach, passenger train, playground, and lots of park benches for us to sit on and people watch. We saw a Royal Caribbean cruise ship in port, too.

   It was hard to say goodbye, but having them visit gave me an extra kick of motivation to keep working hard here. I still love Maine and school and I look forward to what's to come. I wonder where I'll be for my next birthday?

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