Wednesday, February 5, 2014

I'm a real yacht designer!

   I got back from Sarasota, Florida yesterday. I had a second interview with Michael Peters Yacht Design while I was down there. I had butterflies the whole day because I was SO HAPPY with what I was seeing. I loved every single thing about the small company. I got to watch the current designers work, which was the most exciting part of the day. Seeing what I would be expected to do was great... because it was exactly what I want to do for my job. I was so pleased that I was offered the job at the end of the day. I went out to eat with Michael Peters and his wife that night and accepted his offer.
   I can't believe that Florida is going to be my new home. My school had a snow day today in Maine, and my car is once again buried under snow. So Florida sounds really good right now.
   I tried taking some pictures while I was down there. It wasn't appropriate to take pictures while I was at the office. But I took some photos near my hotel. Sorry for all of the selfies, but I didn't feel like asking strangers to take my picture.
   I got there on Sunday afternoon and had a chance to walk around a bit. I was happy to be able to wear shorts and sandals. I went to St. Armand's Circle. It is a big roundabout lined with a lot of shops and restaurants. Michael said it is the biggest tourist trap in Sarasota. But that was perfect for me. Grandma, I found the Ben and Jerry's.

   Here is the hotel I stayed at, the Holiday Inn on Lido Beach. And some pictures from right in front of the hotel. 

I am NOT good at taking selfies, by the way. 

   So here is what I wore on my interview.

And some more random pictures from my hotel:

 This one is for you, Kelly:

Back to school tomorrow. And we start learning about powerboats!

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